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About LENV

LENV is built to be a small and agile company, responsive to its clients’ needs of having experienced professionals on their jobs at competitive rates. Its two co-owners, Phil London and Ben Hope, are both active environmental scientists, each with roughly 30 years of experience conducting and/or managing environmental field surveys, environmental inspections, and environmental permitting and reporting on large-scale linear projects, including overhead electric transmission powerlines, as well as site developments.  Our experience working in different regions of the country has enabled us to grow our resources and connections with technical specialists in different markets, enabling us to deliver exceptional project results for our clients.  

As of August 2024, LENV has three full-time employees providing environmental inspection on an NYS Article VII powerline project on Long Island. In addition, LENV also draws upon its network of experienced local environmental professionals to meet the staffing needs of its clients. For instance, LENV is currently providing the environmental compliance team on a substation construction project in Dover, New York and is using locally based NYSDEC-licensed wildlife monitors to oversee the on-site implementation of NYSDEC-mandated protections for the timber rattlesnake and bog turtle.  

The success of any company not only depends on the services and quality but also how safely each job is performed.  Therefore, LENV works with each client to provide a safe work environment for all staff on its projects. 

Phil London

- 31 years of wetland delineation,                                                          environmental permitting, and report writing  

- Environmental field survey manager on                                              1,000+ miles of linear facility projects in the                                    northeastern U.S.
- Lead environmental inspector on the Central East Energy              Connect Project, a 100-mile NYS Article VII powerline project      that included the construction of two new substations.   

- Lead environmental inspector on the Crickey Valley Energy            Project, a 17-mile NYS Article VII transmission line project.   

- Professional Wetland Scientist (#2739), 2017
- Registered Professional Soil Scientist (SSSSNE), 1993

- EPA Construction Stormwater Training, 2024
- CPESC In-training, 2020
- B.S. Soil and Water Science, 1992
- M.B.A. Green Development, 2017

Benjamin Hope

- 29 years of environmental surveys and                                        compliance inspections. 

- LENV's Compliance Inspection Manager on                              Eversource's Sunrise Wind Project and South Fork Wind        Project on Long Island  

- Chief & Lead environmental inspector on                                  2000+  miles of FERC-regulated natural gas                            pipeline, CO2 and transmission line projects

    throughout the U.S. 

- Environmental field survey manager on
    2,000+ miles of linear facility projects in the                            southern and Midwest U.S.    

- Environmental Compliance Manager on 1,000

    wind turbine project in Wyoming. 
- B.S. Environmental Science, 1993

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